This morning all schools of SMP and MTs will announce the result of examination.
As we know that this year there is a new policy related to the rules of graduation exams in 2011 that is Permendiknas No. 45/2011 about Graduation Criteria and Permendiknas No. 46/2011 about the Implementation of the National Examination (UN)for junior and senior high school.That before graduation, the school sends the school values to be combined with the results of the UN to the ministry. Furthermore, after combined with the formula of 60 percent of the UN plus the 40 percent value of the school, the value is returned to the school. Schools wiill recap on other subjects. There are seven subjects that must be passed. And schools themselves determinethe graduation.
The graduation rates of SMP/MTs of Kabupaten Pekalongan this year increases to be 97,54%. Wish it is a real fact as the result of efforts from all stakeholders in giving a better education services, especially from the teachers who have been working to improve their professionalism. Congratulation..........
But for the students who have not graduated to be patient and don't despair. Keep the spirit to learn and achieve a better future . Think of this failure as a valuable experience to get a better future, repeat next year exam or pursue Kejar Paket B.....good luck!
8 komentar:
exam is a process that must go through to measure our success in learning ( Nur laela, Stikap YMI.T.Ac )
i hope next year percentage of passing more increase, because the school can prepare the the semester to support the examination score.Honesty the school in processing the values are more important than results. ( Ghozali, STIKAP YMI.T.AC )
Ahmad Romadhon
In the present of PERMENDIKNAS No.45&46/2011 these students junior and senior high school become more active and improve the quality of better learn, so get the maximum results.
I hopefully this year's achievement can be increased again for the year ahead, so the Pekalongan district can pass 100% amin.....
For the students who haven't graduated to be patient and don't despair, keep the spirit to learn and achieve a better future. Think of this failure as a pending of the success. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
well , 97.57% is a great achievement. hope it can reach 100%.
andini TA B
I think the new policy about the rule of graduation in 2011 is better than last policy about it.
I hope educational system in indonesia must be better. Keep fighting my children, I am sure you can reach your dream.
M. Asykari (TA.A)
Comparing to last year, the graduation of SMP/SMA of Kab. Pekalongan is better in procentage. I am sure that new policy affects the graduation rate.
I hope the next graduation will be better.
before I congratulate Pekalongan Regency which has increased graduation this year. I strongly agree with these rules, so that graduation can be increased.
SimakBaca secara fonetik
Congratulations yes,,, for the brothers SMP / MTs graduates in 2011, you have completed school at the level of SMP / MTs well. My message ... let's continue to pursue your ambition! Proceed to higher levels, and proud of this country with a proud achievements. Leave a tradition of ignorance of this country with the spirit of learning is high and noble ideals.
2011 graduate of my sisters, do not be afraid to dream and move forward undeterred!
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