Motivation For Doing The Best

When I visited the MGMP of Bahasa Jawa Workshop about 'Learning Resource Box' last week (Februari 3rd, 2010) I met one the facilitator came from Kudus, Drs. Farhan, MPd. He is a principal of SMP 1 Jekulo Kudus. After I gave speech about advice and information of Permenpen No 16/2009 about Functional Job of Teachers and Its Stratification according to the Rank, there was a question from a teacher about how to promote or move up to the next rank and if it is difficult and hard to do it. It was good questions and Mr Farhan could explain about it as he ever did and reached the rank of IV B.
According to Mr Farhan - he is an English Teacher- to do the professional development by scientific work needs sincerity/seriousness, big motivation and presence of mind/awareness of being professional teacher. He started by one idea of paper about Media for Learning English that succeeded as the 2nd winner of Learning Media Competition, and then he write that idea in Classroom Action Research. After that writing an essay about it in Journal and other media. It means if you have an innovation of learning process write it, in many kinds of writing. And then give them to LPMP to be assessed. And the result sent to Dirjen PMPTK to get legalization whether many works you have made scored or not. They will send you back and give some advice and suggestion if there is any lack of scientific way or total score needed to move up.
Next period of scoring , there will be an obligation for every teachers who wants move up, to make scientific work, self development and Innovative work every year. So no reasons that teachers are too busy to write everything they did, like Pak Khaerul Huda (the English teacher of SMP 1 karanganyar) told me, it is because they have no motivation and skill to do that. So how.... Like Mr Farhan told the participants of MGMP of Bahasa Jawa...try to write whatever you do in your job...and get some information about it...
Good luck......

According to Mr Farhan - he is an English Teacher- to do the professional development by scientific work needs sincerity/seriousness, big motivation and presence of mind/awareness of being professional teacher. He started by one idea of paper about Media for Learning English that succeeded as the 2nd winner of Learning Media Competition, and then he write that idea in Classroom Action Research. After that writing an essay about it in Journal and other media. It means if you have an innovation of learning process write it, in many kinds of writing. And then give them to LPMP to be assessed. And the result sent to Dirjen PMPTK to get legalization whether many works you have made scored or not. They will send you back and give some advice and suggestion if there is any lack of scientific way or total score needed to move up.
Next period of scoring , there will be an obligation for every teachers who wants move up, to make scientific work, self development and Innovative work every year. So no reasons that teachers are too busy to write everything they did, like Pak Khaerul Huda (the English teacher of SMP 1 karanganyar) told me, it is because they have no motivation and skill to do that. So how.... Like Mr Farhan told the participants of MGMP of Bahasa Jawa...try to write whatever you do in your job...and get some information about it...
Good luck......

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