On last January 10th, 2010, the SMA English MGMP held TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Test that joined with ILP (International Language Programs) Semarang in SMA Bojong. It would be started at 8 and about 35 participants had come but the tester came at 10, so it began at 10.30. I was asked to give speech and opened the agenda. Most of the participants were SMA English teachers and the others were teachers of other Subjects.
Before doing the test the participants were given some strategy and technical way to choose the best answers in limited time. Like in general strategies for reading ie.: be familiar with the direction, don't spend too much time reading the passage, and so on In the first section, about Listening test, the important thing was giving more attention to the second speakers. In a grammar problems it is important to understand the structure of sentences that consist of subject and predicate(verb) and et cetera.
I appreciate to the committee by this activities the committee and the members could have a good experiences in doing this kind of test, and also measure how .well they master their English. Because it is also important for English teachers especially when they have to give guidance to their students in Listening activities and test. And for other teachers I think they will use the certificate as a requirements in applying Post Graduate Program. And some for RSBI teachers it is also needed to be evidence that they have competences in English as the International language.
I myself was interested to join the test to check how well my English after I haven't taught English anymore since 4 years ago. After getting some strategy and technical to choose the suitable option we did the the test from 1 o'clock up to 3 o'clock. Actually I have ever did this test on March, 2007 in UNSOED Purwokerto where I took my Post Graduate program and I got 517. But at this time I was not sure doing section1 or Listening section yaa.. maybe the sound was not so clear enough to my ears , but sure in section 2 about grammar and section 3 about reading section. Yet I really enjoyed doing the test to make my mind fresh again in English test. Really we will loose our vocabulary and knowledge of language if we never use it. So why I ask English teachers to practice their English when they meet me...
Mr Maman, the examiner from ILP told us that the result will be sent in two days. But Pak Suwito, the committee of SMA English MGMP gave me the result in a week. And I was surprised when he told me my score...486. Ya it is good enough for me, the highest score was 536 reached by Pak Iswandi from SMA Doro. It reminds me to keep practicing my English, including writing this report. Since then I try to learn the kinds of TOEFL in free website, and I found is very good for everyone who wants check their knowledge in English including the English teachers they can use it as material and alternatives for English classroom activities...try to open this website.
Good Luck...

6 komentar:
Great effort and Congratulation!
486 is good enough.
Thnks alot...but I am not satisfied means I have to keep improve my English..I'll try to join the IBT TOEFL formally held by institution that registered like ETL or what I don't know well but I have ever seen it
Well done, mom. What about the similar test for us, the SMP teachers? Or should it be held by MGMP?
I am so sure that all of my friends who teach English want to join the TOEFL not only for SMA teachers but also SMP teachers too. You may contact me. I can carry out it again if Most of English teachers in SMP or the others are interested in it. As you know the TOEFL aren't directed for English teacher only.
Oya Bu Harini and Pak Wito I have told the comittee of SMP English MGMP if they want to hold this kind of test they can contact Pak Wito, when the test held by SMA MGMP unfortunately they still had workshop so they couldn't join it....
ya it s one of the effort to enlarge the english teacher competence...good luck
Welldone mom..I'll wait it for SMP teachers.I hope I'll get great score
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