Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Best Practice of PPKHB

     In December 2010 LPMP(Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan) Jawa Tengah or Education Quality Assurance Agencies in Central Java held Socialization about PPKHB or Recognition of Work Experience and Learning Outcomes. All regencies in Central Java were invited. They invited 15 people from each regencies, ie  representattives from Bappeda, Education office, KKG TK, KKG SD, MGMP, KKKS, MKKS, KKPS and MKPS. Beside that they also invited some lecturers from LPTK or Universities or Institutes that have educational programs.
      The meetings were held  in 3 places and times. Twice were held in Horison Hotel  in Semarang (December 13-18th) and once in Solo  at Hotel of Sunan (December 15-17th). Each meeting was held for three days, and attended by almost 200 participants. The speakers and facilitators came from Direktorat Profesi Pendidik Ditjen PMPTK from Education Ministry, Konsorsium LPTK, LPTK in Central Java which held PPKHB, LPMP Jawa Tengah and also me.
      Ya, I got this appraisement because of our effort in implementing PPKHB in Kabupaten Pekalongan, and we succeeded for the first time in facilitating some elementary teachers got their qualification of S1 program by PPKHB in UMP  (Purwokerto Muhammadiyah University). Beside that we also succeeded in National Simposium as overall champion because of Best Practice in PPKHB.
       Thanks for this appreciation.... wish it will be new spirit for us in implementing other educational programs and in motivating all stake holders in increasing educational quality in our region.

Oya.... the participants of this meeting got many information, knowledge and understanding about :
1. The Policy of Educational Ministry about PPKHB
2. Portopolio of PPKHB
3. Best Practice of PPKHB
4. Permendiknas no 16 tahun 2009 about CPD (Continuous Professional Development) and Teacher Performance Appraisal
5.  Teacher Certification
6. Teacher Induction Program
7.  Empowerment of Teacher Clusters

Hope 14 teachers, principles and supervisors that we sent in this meeting are able to diseminate everything they got to others in their clusters.

My presentation can be seen or downloaded HERE.

3 komentar:

Cholissragi mengatakan...

Ameen.. I hope so..

Unknown mengatakan...

asslkm bu.... permisi numpang kenal, skalian ijin ngikuti blog-na ibu.. saya peserta ppkhb kemarin...
maju terus dunia pendidikan....

Masruroh mengatakan...

@cholist : thanks
@Eddie : salam kembali, thanks for being follower....